Following successive ongoing international campaigns to achieve boycott divestment and sanctions on Israel in different countries around the world, especially in colleges, the Israeli government is now acting on an extensive strategy that includes Israeli reservist soldiers, to recap its losses. Tel Aviv knows it can count on the ongoing financial, political and military support from the United States, but wants to get US campuses to topple any move that aims at divesting from Israeli and international companies that invest and benefit from the illegitimate Israeli occupation and its settlements.

Many reserve soldiers, especially those who graduated from American Universities, have been asked to “go back to school” in order to operate on preventing any move that calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions, and to try to encourage students’ support to Israel.

The moves came after successful BDS campaigns in different colleges, and aim at restoring “Israel’s image” especially after its latest offensive on Gaza that led to the death of 2137 Palestinians, while at least 11100 have been wounded.

The number includes 578 children, 264 women, and 103 elderly, while more than 11100, including 3374 children, 2088 women and 410 elderly, have been injured.

Tel Aviv is now aiming at regaining support, and encouraging investments, especially in colleges and universities that voted for divestment.

Israeli sources said Israel faced a similar situation during the Second Palestinian Intifada, especially during the era of late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, adding that back then Israeli soviet-born politician Natan Sharansky toured in many US Universities, and informed Sharon that Israel needs to operate in those colleges, as BDS moves “could have a significant impact on Tel Aviv.”

He said such moves, which he dubbed as “hostile”, managed to achieve some positive outcomes, and could lead to more financial losses to Israel, adding that many liberal Jews told him back then that they preferred to live “without a Jewish State,” Maan said.

Israel now observes US colleges as one of the main “battle fronts” that have been able to achieve divestment from Israel, and are successful in highlighting the Palestinian cause and the ongoing struggle against the illegitimate Israeli occupation and settlements.

In August of 2013, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the government would be granting scholarships to certain students who actively participate in activities promoting Israel, and improving its image, especially on social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, the Associated Press said.

Israel recruited students who were organized in units, while “chief coordinators” of these groups received full scholarships.

Each of those “chief coordinators’” recruits three “desk coordinators” tasked with “language, graphics and research,’ and receive lesser scholarships while some active pro-Israel students get “minimal scholarships”.