Israeli Knesset is expected to vote on Monday, the 12th of December, 2014, on dissolving itself and officially setting March 17 as the date for the next general election.According to Haaretz, the meeting is expected to take place at 4 p.m., and will convene for the second and third readings of the bill to dissolve the Knesset, which was approved in a preliminary vote last week.

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Once the bill passes, the Knesset will be dissolved and the election campaign will be underway, the PNN further reports.

‘Although we believed that this is not the right time from the country’s point of view to go to elections, the option of forming a different government now is even worse,’ right-wing politician Yisrael Beiteinu said in a statement.

‘If the die is cast and we are going to elections, we must do it in a worthy fashion, without shticks or tricks or stinking maneuvers,’ he said.

Along with Beiteinu, other ultra-Orthodox parties, made it clear that they would not allow any attempt by PM Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new coalition based on the current Knesset.

Over the past few weeks, Netanyahu has apparently been exploring a number of such alternatives, as a means of avoiding early elections.