Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Tuesday evening, three Palestinians from the southern West Bank district of Hebron, and the northern West Bank district of Nablus. Army dogs also mauled a child before the soldiers kidnapped him. The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) said several military vehicles invaded Beit Ummar town, near Hebron, and kidnapped Mohammad Sami Abu ‘Ayyash, 21, near the main entrance of the town.

The soldiers also invaded, and violently searched, a number of homes in the town, causing excessive property damage.

Mohammad Awad, spokesperson of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in Beit Ummar, said a child identified as Hamza Ahmad Abu Hashem, 16, was injured after two army dogs mauled him in the ath-Thaher area, close to Karmie Tzur illegal settlement, south of Beit Ummar.

Awad said Abu Hashem suffered moderate wounds, and was bleeding from several parts of his body before the soldiers placed him in a military ambulance and drove to an unknown destination.

He added that the incident took place following an argument between members of the Abu Hashem family and a group of fanatic Israeli settlers, and that the soldiers arrived at the scene and fired gas bombs at the Palestinian family, causing several residents to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Awad stated that the soldiers attacked Abu Hashem as he was filming them invading the town, and trying to ambush local youths, and confiscated his camera.

In addition, soldiers invaded Huwwara town, south of Nablus, kidnapped one Palestinian after violently assaulting him, and took him to an unknown destination.

The identity of the detained Palestinian remained unidentified until the time of this report.

Local sources said the soldiers also invaded and ransacked a number of homes in Huwwara, and clashed with several youths.

The army fired gas bombs, rounds of live ammunition and concussion grenades; no injuries were reported.


Army Kidnaps Nine Palestinians In West Bank

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