A Palestinian man who was apparently attempting to cross the border from Gaza into Israel for work was shot by Israeli troops on Friday.Two workers were apparently attempting to cross the border in the early hours of Friday morning when they were spotted by the Israeli soldiers stationed at the border and shot. One of the two men was hit, and wounded in the leg.

The wounded Palestinian has not yet been identified, but both he and his companion were taken into custody by Israeli troops for interrogation.

An Israeli army spokesperson confirmed the shooting, which they said occurred when the two men entered the ‘kill zone’ along the border.

The economy of Gaza was largely dependent on Palestinians working inside Israel, which made up around 50% of Gaza’s economy before the Israeli government imposed a blockade on Gaza in 2007.

Since then, Palestinian workers from Gaza attempting to enter Israel have had to do so in violation of the blockade, since no work permits have been issued in the last seven years. They have been subject to abduction, interrogation and dozens have been shot and killed attempting to cross the border for work.