Yesterday’s weekly demonstration in Bil’in started after Friday prayers, as usual, and headed to the apartheid wall.The Palestinian News Network reports that Israeli forces were waiting near the old route of the wall, where they began firing tear gas canisters, sound grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets at the demonstrators, in order to prevent demonstrators from reaching the wall.

One participant was injured in the hand by a gas canister, while many others suffered after inhaling large amounts of tear gas. The soldiers also abducted member of Bil’in’s popular struggle committee, Mohammed Alkhatib, but released him after a few hours.

Along with locals, dozens of foreign and Israeli peace activists participated in the demonstration. In addition, a famous Japanese journalist called Hirukawa, who is currently documenting the oral history of the Palestinian refugee issue, participated in Friday’s march, as well.

Demonstrators raised Palestinian flags and pictures of 14-year-old Malak al-Khatib, who recently sentenced to two months imprisonment in Israeli jails.

The participants chanted slogans calling for the liberation of Palestine, freedom for the Palestinian political prisoners, and slogans condemning Israeli violations against Palestinian children.

See: 01/23/15 Further Demolitions, Abductions in West Bank & Jerusalem for related info.