Israeli forces assaulted protesters who gathered at a number of points along the Gaza-Israel border on Friday for the 79th weekly ‘March of Return’ calling for a return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and an end to the Israeli siege of Gaza.

At least 31 of those injured on Friday were hit by live ammunition fired by Israeli snipers stationed in military observation towers on the Gaza-Israel border. The rest were hit by rubber-coated steel bullets, tear gas canisters, or suffered from severe tear gas inhalation.

According to the Palestinian Wafa News Agency, Israeli soldiers positioned in military towers and behind earth mounds along the eastern fence fired live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, and tear gas canisters at Palestinian civilians, who had flocked to the five communities where the events took place.

In addition, Israeli naval forces opened fire on Palestinian fishing boats near the al-Sudaniya area northwest of Gaza City, despite the fact that they were within the 6 mile zone allowed by the Israeli military (previously the zone was 20 miles). The fishers were forced to abandon their boats and swim to shore, according to local sources. But no injuries were reported.