Several Israeli military vehicles invaded, on Sunday at night, the town of ‘Azzoun, east of the northern West bank city of Qalqilia, clashed with local youths and injured dozens, including three with rubber-coated steel bullets. Monther Nazzal, head of the Emergency Unit of the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC) in Qalqilia, medics provided treatment to three Palestinians, who were shot with rubber-coated metal bullets, while scores of residents suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Nazzal said the soldiers fired dozens of rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs and concussion grenades, during clashes that took place after the army invaded Azzoun.

The clashes took place after the soldiers invaded the town to suppress a protest demanding that Israel release Kariman Akram Sweidan, 15, from Azzoun, after the army arrested her, allegedly for carrying the knife.