On January 4th, a number of Israeli tourists on an Aegean Airline plane flying from Athens to Tel Aviv announced that they would not let the plane take off unless two Palestinian passengers from East Jerusalem disembarked.The incident occurred when a number of Israeli passengers discovered that two passengers on the plane were Palestinians from East Jerusalem.

The Israeli passengers informed a flight attendant of the two passengers and said that they would prohibit the plane from taking off with the Palestinians on board.

When the captain shut the cabin door and indicated that the plane was ready for takeoff, the Israelis stood up. Since it is forbidden to take off with standing passengers, the captain stopped the plane.

According to the Israeli Radio station, Voice of Israel, others on the plane were shocked and did not understand what the Israeli passengers wanted. The passengers and flight crew debated for an hour.

When the team realized that the Israelis were set on continuing their protest, they offered the two Palestinian passengers a night in a hotel and the same flight the following day. The passengers agreed and exited the flight.

Nevertheless, the Israeli passengers demanded an additional security check of the plane.

The captain informed the passengers that they were free to leave the flight, without compensation from Aegean Airline.

The Israeli passengers went back to their seats and the plane took off.

More at AIC official.