An Israeli military video camera recently fell in the hands of Palestinian protesters, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah; its videos shot by a soldier, showed how he marks the protesters, and gives the order to shoot them.Palestinian activists said the camera accidentally fell from a soldier while the army was chasing Palestinian protesters, and the videos clearly shows how he was “marking” each protester, and giving the sharpshooters the order to shoot.

The contents clearly show how, unlike military claims of only firing at protesters to deflect harm to the soldiers, the incidents when the open fire orders were given, showed the soldiers faced no threats to their lives and safety.

The ‘shooter’ behind the camera chooses his targets, focuses his lens, and gives the orders to shoot the protesters he marked.

Every time the soldiers managed to shoot their ‘marked target,’ their cheers could be heard off camera.

The videos were shot in Silwad, al-Jalazoun, Qalandia, also near Ofer and Bet El.

Posted by Imemc News on Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Translation of The videos (Starting from second 28):

First Scene:

Can you see him, holding the yellow flag over there? He stopped moving; he stopped moving.


It’s a hit; he is injured.

Where was he shot?

In his butt.


Yes, %100 in his behind!

Second Scene:

There he is, near the garbage bin, focus there, focus on the bin!

Here he is standing in that empty land, can you see him? Can you see him? He is kneeling, be ready, shoot him when he stands!

There he is, he is kneeling again,

He is standing now; he is standing, shoot him!


Beautiful, he fell; he is injured, very nice; very nice; they are moving him away.

Third Scene:

Go ahead, you have a green light to shoot,

He is hit; he is hit!

Very beautiful, very beautiful, is he injured… seems he is not injured!

No, No, he is injured; they are moving him away now…

Very beautiful, very nice, he is injured.

Fourth Scene:

Very Beautiful, he is hit!

Fifth Scene:

There, near the garbage bin, do you see him?

He is preparing his slingshot…


Very nice,

Is he hit?

Absolutely brother, you shot him.

Sixth Scene:


Nice! very nice job… he is hit

Great job, you shot him.

Seventh Scene:

There he is, can you see him? Can you see him?

I shot him as he was running…

Eight Scene:

OK, that one with the slingshot…

He stopped…


I shot him, did I hit him?

No, No, No, No hit

Last Scene:

The soldiers relaxing in their military jeep.