Palestinian administrative prisoner and journalist Mohammad Al-Qeeq, on Sunday, refused an Israeli offer to be released on May 1st, in return for suspending his hunger strike.PNN reports that, according to the Prisoners’ and Ex-prisoners’ Committee, the Israeli offer was put forward to Palestinian MK Osama al-Saadi and lawyer Ashraf Abu Sneineh, overnight Saturday, after Al-Qeeq’s health had sharply deteriorated at Afula hospital, and after medics expressed fears that he might die at any moment.

The Palestine Information Center reported that Al-Qeeq voiced his firm rebuff of any conditional release, calling for his immediate release.

On Friday, Ashraf Abu Sneina, one of al-Qeeq’s attorneys, stated that his health condition had a significant deterioration, adding that he has lost the ability to speak and continues to suffer from fatigue, dizziness and difficulty when breathing.

Al-Qeeq was arrested on 21 November, 2015, when Israeli soldiers blew up the front door of his house and took him in for interrogation at Israel’s Kishon (Jalame) detention center.

His hunger-strike, which began on 24 November, 2015, came as a protest against administrative detention in Israeli prisons for six months without any charges or court.

Mohammad, aged 33, a reporter for the Saudi-owned TV channel Almajd, and a father of two, is one of 660 Palestinians being held in administrative detention according to Addameer – the highest number since 2008.

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