Israeli settlers, on Sunday, resumed their provocative visits to al-Aqsa Mosque compound, in Jerusalem, provoking tension with worshipers.WAFA correspondence said that dozens of settlers entered the compound in small groups, and toured throughout the holy site, provoking tension with worshipers who protested by chanting religious slogans.

Since the beginning of October 2015, tension has been running high across the West Bank, including Jerusalem and Gaza, against the backdrop of Israel’s repeated assaults on the mosque, including its unilateral enforcement of a temporal division between Muslims and Jews.

Prior to unrest in early October, the Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor pointed out in a report that Israeli incitement and violations against Arabs in Jerusalem have increased dramatically in 2015.

The report, titled “Fire under the Ashes: Provoking Muslims in Jerusalem,” warned that Israeli incitement against Muslims could trigger a conflict that would likely result in disastrous consequences.

“Among the provocative acts documented by Euro-Med researchers against Palestinians in Jerusalem were performance of Talmudic prayers near Muslim worshippers, beating, throwing rubbish, cursing, death threats and preventing worshippers from reaching the mosque,” the report said.

See 2015: A Dangerous Escalation at Al-Aqsa Mosque