Israeli forces shot, before dawn Thursday, four Palestinian citizens, including a child who was seriously injured, in the city of Qalqilia in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

On Thursday before dawn, Israeli forces invaded the city of Qalqilia in the northwestern part of the West Bank, sparking protests among Palestinian youths.

During the incursion, occupation soldiers invaded a commercial shop, in addition to breaking into and ransacking several citizens’ homes, including that of the citizen, Ghassan Jibril.

Media sources said that Israeli forces opened fire with live rounds towards citizens, injuring at least four, including a child.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that ambulance crews transported two young men to hospital, one with a live gunshot wound to the pelvis which was described as moderate, and another with a gunshot wound to the leg which was described as minor.

Correspondent with the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA) reported that at least four citizens sustained injuries from live ammunition, a third was shot in the abdomen, while a fourth was shot in the leg.

Palestine TV quoted the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) who said that they transported a 14-year-old child to hospital after he sustained a serious gunshot wound to the abdomen.

Palestine TV published a video showing that armed Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the invading army.