Israeli forces abducted, on Monday, eleven Palestinian citizens, including a former prisoner in the Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron governorates, in the central and southern occupied West Bank.

Occupation forces abducted, on Monday morning, two Palestinian young men in the Jerusalem governorate.

Media sources said that soldiers invaded and searched the home of Nader Abdullah Mansour, before abducting him in the town of Biddu, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Sources added that the army abducted the young man, Mohammad Joseph Wahdan, after storming and searching his home in the village of Al-Qubeiba, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, in the southern West Bank, Israeli forces abducted two Palestinian citizens in the village of Nahhalin, west of Bethlehem.

Media sources said that on Monday morning, occupation soldiers abducted Mohammad Qasim Lutfi Najajra, 30, and Ammar Mohammad Khalil Shakarneh, 33, after breaking into and searching their homes in the village.

Furthermore, the army abducted six citizens after assaulting them in the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron, on Monday morning.

Media sources said that occupation forces abducted and assaulted Mustafa Bilal Hassan Al-Qadi Al-Tamimi, Qusay Anwar Hassan Al-Qadi Al-Tamimi, and Ibrahim Jaafar Hassan Al-Qadi Al-Tamimi, before abducting them in the city of Hebron.

Sources added that soldiers severely assaulted one of their family members, Uday Jaafar Hassan Al-Qadi Al-Tamimi, with rifle butts to his head, causing moderate wounds; he was transported to the Hebron Governmental Hospital for treatment.

In the town of Yatta, south of Hebron, Israeli forces abducted Mohammad Hammad Abu Subha, after invading and ransacking his home.

Soldiers invaded and searched the homes of the citizens, Ibrahim Abdel Hadi and Ali Talib Al-Haroub, before abducting them from their homes in the town of Deir Samit, west of Hebron.

North of the city, the army assaulted and abducted, on Monday evening, a former prisoner at the entrance Beit Ummar town.

According to Mohammad Awad, a local activist, Israeli forces stopped the vehicle of former prisoner, Mahmoud Munir Radwan Qawqas, 37, forcibly removed him, and brutally assaulted him before abducting him.

According to a statement from the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) and the Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs, at least 30 Palestinian citizens, including children and former prisoners, were abducted by occupation forces between Sunday evening and Monday morning, in the governorates of Qalqilia, Jenin, Tubas, Nablus, Jericho, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Hebron.

The statement added that the total number of abductions since October 7, 2023 has reached more than 9,580, including those who were abducted from their homes, through military roadblocks, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.

It is important to mention that occupation forces invaded, on Monday night, the city of Salfit in the central West Bank, and fired concussion grenades, sparking protests.

Additionally, soldiers stormed the town of Biddya and the village of Haris, northwest of Salfit, and the villages of Iskaka and Yasuf, to the northeast.

Moreover, on Monday night, occupation forces stormed the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank, sparking protests.

According to Rami Hamamra, the director of the village council, soldiers opened fire with live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters at those who resisted the incursion; no injuries were reported.