Israeli forces abducted, on Wednesday, two Palestinians, including a medical professional, near Tulkarem, and five others, including a woman, in the city of Qalqilia, both in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

On Monday morning, Israeli forces invaded the suburb of Irtah, south of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, and abducted a young man.

Media sources said that soldiers stormed and searched the home of the young man, Ahmad Zakaria Abu Al-Saman, before abducting him.

It was added that the army invaded the town of Attil, northeast of Tulkarem, and opened fire with concussion grenades; no injuries or abductions were reported.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces abducted an Anesthesia and Resuscitation Technician working for the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem, while he was transporting a patient.

Media sources said that soldiers abducted, on Wednesday morning, the Anesthesia and Resuscitation Technician, Sari Muhammad Hafez Qashou, when the ambulance he was traveling in passed through the Deir Sharaf military roadblock, northwest of Nablus in the northern West Bank, and took him to an unknown location.

Furthermore, the army abducted five Palestinians, on Wednesday at dawn, including a woman, in the city of Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that a military force stormed the city of Qalqilia, and broke into the home of a “wanted” Palestinian young man, identified as Tariq Dawoud.

Soldiers searched and ransacked the home, and took four of his family members hostage, with the intent to pressure the young man to surrender himself to the army.

Occupation forces abducted the young man’s father, Ziad, mother, Donia, and two brothers, Ghazi, and Faisal Dawoud, despite having committed no crimes, but purely for the purpose of coercion.

It was added that soldiers abducted the young man, Zuhair Abu Hamed, after invading and searching his home in the city.

In related news, Israeli forces abducted, on Wednesday morning, fifteen Palestinian citizens near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.