Israeli forces abducted, on Thursday, a Palestinian woman and a young man in the city of Tulkarem, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank,

Before dawn on Thursday, occupation forces abducted two Palestinian citizens, including a woman, and stormed a printing press, in the city of Tulkarem.

Media sources said that several military vehicles stormed various neighborhoods in the city of Tulkarem and abducted Mrs. Rasha Ghassan Hijazi, after breaking into her home.

East of the city, occupation forces invaded the home of the young man, Saeed Al-Ghazawi, before abducting him in Ezbet Al-Jarad.

Sources added that soldiers stormed and ransacked the National Printing Press, in the center of the city, owned by a local citizen.

In related news, Israeli forces invaded, on Wednesday night, the villages of Odala and Yatma, south of Nablus in the northern West Bank, sparking protests.

Media sources said that the occupation army stormed the two villages, leading to protests among local Palestinian youths.

Sources added that soldiers fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters at those who resisted the incursion, causing several citizens to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile, late Wednesday night, Israeli soldiers brutally assaulted a Palestinian young man while he was present in the center of Hebron city, in the southern West Bank.

Media sources said that soldiers assaulted Wissam Al-Karaki, causing him various injuries and bruises; he was transported to the Hebron Governmental Hospital after sustaining moderate injuries.