Israeli forces abducted, on Saturday, two Palestinian young men in Beita town, south of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, and detained a woman, in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron in the southern West Bank, and confiscated her vehicle.

On Saturday, occupation forces invaded the town of Beita, south of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, abducted two Palestinian young men, and broke into many homes.

After storming and searching the homes of Majdi Azzam Dweikat and Mohammad Taher Dweikat in the town, soldiers abducted them.

Meanwhile, the army stormed and searched dozens of Palestinian-owned homes in Beita town, and subjected their residents to interrogation, while local Palestinians protested the incursion.

It was added that Israeli forces invaded the town of Sebastia, and the villages of Beit Imrin and Nisf Jbeil, northwest of Nablus; no protests or abductions were reported.

Furthermore, Israeli forces detained, on Saturday morning, a Palestinian woman and confiscated her vehicle in the southern West Bank town of Beit Ummar.

According to Mohammad Awad, a local activist, soldiers detained the young woman, Sabreen Saber Zamel Zaqeq, 27, while she was driving south of the town.

Awad added that the army forced the young woman to drive her vehicle to the illegal “Karmi Tzur” colony, south of the town, and detained her for several hours before releasing her.

It was added that when her husband arrived at the colony to pick her up, soldiers damaged his vehicle.

In related news, Israeli forces shot and injured, on Friday evening, eight Palestinians, including four critically, after invading the Al-Amari refugee camp, south of Al-Biereh, in the central occupied West Bank, sparking protests.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that the Israeli army shot and injured seven Palestinians, including three critically.

It added that among those who were critically injured, was a child who sustained a gunshot wound to the abdomen, a young man who sustained a gunshot wound to the chest and another to the thigh.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that Israeli forces opened heavy fire towards the driver of an ambulance while was evacuating a very seriously wounded young man.

Occupation forces abducted at least one young man during the incursion; the identity of whom was not known.

Later the army sent in military reinforcements into the city of Al-Biereh and the Al-Amari camp.

Moreover, in occupied Jerusalem, Israeli forces invaded the Al-Aqsa Mosque, during the Friday prayer, assaulted young men, and abducted a Palestinian child.

Media sources said that occupation police stormed the courtyards of the Islamic holy site, assaulted young men, and prevented worshipers from entering the mosque.

At the Bab Al-Asbat (Lions’ Gate), occupation forces abducted the child, Ahmad Nidal al-Rajabi, when he was trying to enter the mosque for the Friday prayers.

On Friday evening, Israeli forces invaded the town of Sinjil, northeast of Ramallah in the central part of the occupied West Bank, abducted two young men.

Soldiers stormed the home of the young man, Sari Nasser Dakher Khalil, 20, near the town, before abducting him.

In the same area, occupation forces abducted the young man, Mohammad Thaer Ghafri, 20, while he was herding his livestock.
