Israeli forces injured eleven Palestinians, on Saturday, during a search operation in the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp, southwest of Jericho in the northeastern part of the West Bank, and abducted one south of the city.

Media sources said that a large army force stormed, before dawn, the city of Jericho from its southern entrance and traveled towards the Aqabat Jabr camp.

Soldiers roamed the streets and assaulted a young man in the center of the camp, while another unit stormed the Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, northwest of the city, followed by military reinforcements.

In the morning, it was reported that eleven Palestinian citizens sustained various injuries after occupation forces conducted a search operation in the Aqabat Jabr camp.

Media sources said that the army stormed and ransacked several citizens’ homes, assaulted many of their inhabitants, amid the firing of live rounds and concussion grenades.

It was added that Israeli troops assaulted members of the Abu Muhammad and Kamal Al-Lad’ah families with rifle butts after invading their homes.

Paramedics treated eleven Palestinians with various injuries as a result of occupation forces’ assault; the nature and severity of the wounds were not known at the time of writing this report.

Soldiers also destroyed several citizen’s vehicles during the incursion, in addition to detaining citizens before releasing them.

In related news, Israeli forces assaulted and abducted a Palestinian young man, on Saturday afternoon, at a military roadblock south of Jericho.

According to Eid Barahma, the head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society in Jericho, occupation forces assaulted the young man, Hashem Abdel Karim Daoud, 29, a resident of Qalqilia, at a military roadblock south of Jericho, before abducting him.