On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers fatally shot a young Palestinian man, and detained his body for several hours, in the Al-Biereh city in the occupied West Bank’s central part.

Media sources said the army invaded the city, especially the Al-Baloa’ area, leading to protests, and fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

Medical sources said the soldiers killed Ahmad Ramzi Abed Sultan, 20, after shooting him with live fire to the chest and the abdomen and detained his corpse for several hours at a military base in Beit El illegal colony and security center.

His mother, Majeda Sultan, works for the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) in Ramallah. The family lives in the Al-Irsal neighborhood in Ramallah.

The army later handed the slain young man’s body to Palestinian medics who moved him to Palestine Medical Complex.

Ahmad’s uncle, Ahmad Ramzi, said that his nephew was just walking to the mosque when the soldiers invaded the town, and when he saw the army, he tried to hide in a building because he carries a Gaza ID card, and didn’t want the army to abduct him and send him to Gaza, and that is when the soldiers opened fire at him.

He added that his nephew was considering joining the Palestinian police or the security forces and stated that his nephew was executed in cold blood.

Last Friday, the soldiers killed a Palestinian young man, Ali Muwaffaq Mousa Mozahim, 26, after shooting him with live fire, in the village of Abwein, north of Ramallah.

Last Thursday, the soldiers killed a child, Ali Hassan Ali Rabay’a, 15, in the town of Meithalun, south of Jenin in the northern West Bank.

Israeli forces have now killed 576 Palestinian civilians, including 140 children, and injured more than 5,350 others, in various regions of the occupied West Bank, since the beginning of the military onslaught against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023.