Israeli forces shot a Palestinian young man, on Thursday, abducted three, detained several others, and caused major destruction to infrastructure in Jenin city and its camp, in the northern West Bank.

Before midnight on Wednesday/Thursday, undercover Israeli forces infiltrated the city of Jenin and the outskirts of the Jenin refugee camp, followed by military reinforcements.

Media sources said that occupation forces abducted the former prisoners, Jamal Haweel and Jamal Zubaidi, in addition to the young man, Abdel-Ghani Abu Al-Haija, wile they were present at the entrance to the Jenin camp.

Later, another unit of reinforcements, including a bulldozer, stormed the city from all entrances of the city, amid the flight of reconnaissance drones and Apache attack helicopters.

During the Israeli incursion, armed Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the invading army in several areas in the city and in the vicinity of the camp, and targeted armored vehicles with crude explosive devices.

Soldiers fired live rounds ad tear gas canisters towards citizens and their vehicles in the courtyard of Jenin Governmental Hospital, while dozens of sharpshooter were positioned on rooftops of commercial buildings and homes in many neighborhoods, including the commercial center.

Before dawn, Israeli forces shot a Palestinian young man in the face with shrapnel from live ammunition, and obstructed ambulance crews transporting him to hospital.

Sources added that soldiers stopped and searched ambulances and invaded several citizens’ homes in the city and the vicinity of the refugee camp.

Media sources later reported that special forces invaded the Carmel Pharmacy near the Jenin Governmental Hospital and detained several citizens, including the owner of the pharmacy and the pharmacist.

Soldiers detained the pharmacist, Dr. Iyad Abu Al-Hayja, the owner, Najeeb Fathi Hwail, Osama Abu Arab, Naeem Al-Saadi, Ghassan Al-Tirawi, Jamal Abu Eid, and Abdel Zubaidi, and took them to an undisclosed location.

Furthermore, army bulldozers caused major destruction to infrastructure on Nazareth Street in the city and inside the Jenin refugee camp.