On Wednesday evening, Israeli soldiers shot two young Palestinian men in Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank, before undercover soldiers infiltrated the town, assaulted and kidnapped a young man.

Media sources said protests occurred after the soldiers invaded the town and added that the army fired several live rounds, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

They added that the soldiers shot two young men with live fire, inflicting moderate-to-severe wounds before they were rushed to a hospital in Jerusalem.

Furthermore, undercover Israeli soldiers abducted a young man in the Al-Ein neighborhood in Silwan and took him to an unknown destination.

Several army vehicles also blockaded the town’s main street before a few vehicles invaded the Ein Al-Louza neighborhood, leading to protests.

Furthermore, many army jeeps invaded Sur Baher, At-Tour, and Al-Isawiya in Jerusalem and attacked dozens of Palestinians, protesting the killing of Mohammad Ali, 17, who was shot by the soldiers earlier in Shu’fat refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.