Aysenur Eygi

Palestinian Civil Society has joined the Turkish and British governments in their calls for an independent investigation of Israel’s killing of an American peace worker in the West Bank this week The Biden administration, however, has failed to call for an independent investigation, seeming to be satisfied with the Israeli government’s claim that they will investigate themselves.

Palestinian unions, civil institutions, professional and labor unions, and popular frameworks and activities in the Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate condemned the crime that claimed the life of the foreign solidarity activist Ayşenur Eygi, who holds American and Turkish citizenship, calling for an international investigation into what happened.

During the weekly demonstration in Beita, Palestine, on the morning of September 6th, 2024, the Israeli army intentionally shot and killed an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) human rights activist named Ayşenur Eygi.

This came during an expanded meeting that included representatives of forces, institutions, frameworks, and unions, today, Saturday, at the Professional Unions Complex.

The attendees stressed the need to mobilize all popular, official and struggle energies and capabilities to confront the plans of the Israeli occupation and its settlers, and to defend the villages, towns and camps by all available means.

They called for rebuilding and activating the popular committees and the popular guard committees in the sites, villages and rural areas targeted by the occupation and its settlers, and providing them with all the necessary work and logistics from the official bodies concerned, and strengthening popular work to confront the settlers’ plans.

They stressed the need to continue and expand popular activities denouncing the war of extermination against our people in the Gaza Strip, and the occupation’s declaration of escalation of its aggressive war in the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, through colonial settlement policies, house demolitions, daily invasions, executions, bombing and daily killing.

They stressed the importance of working to activate international legal tools that would bring war criminals in Israel to international courts, including the International Criminal Court, and calling for the issuance of arrest warrants against leaders of the fascist occupation government.

The attendees called for participation in the activities of female and male prisoners in the face of the brutal repression and abuse they are subjected to by the prison administrations, including the weekly activity organized by the forces and institutions of prisoners on Tuesday in front of the Al-Bireh Cultural Center.