Dispute on Going Over Interior Minsitry
Qurei failed Wednesday evening to agree on a candidate for theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 6, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei failed Wednesday evening…
International Middle East Media Center
Qurei failed Wednesday evening to agree on a candidate for theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 6, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei failed Wednesday evening…
his planned attempt to remove a dozen of settler’s “unauthorizedâ€ÂIMEMC Staff & Agencies,November 5, 2003 Settlers warned Tuesday Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz against his planned attempt to remove a…
opinion poll in which around 60% identified Israel as the number oneGhassan Andoni-IMEMC-Analysis,November 5, 2003 Israelis are up roared with the published results of the EU public opinion poll in…
form a new government, arrive at an agreement with President YasserIMEMC & Agencies,November 4, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei is racing against time to form a new government, arrive…
Hamas Spokesman Abdel-Aziz Rantisi told Reuters, on Sunday, that hisAvoid Civilian Casualties IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 3, 2003 Hamas Spokesman Abdel-Aziz Rantisi told Reuters, on Sunday, that his group…
about meeting Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz early last week.IMEMC Staff & Agencies, November 3, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minster Ahmed Qurei denied Sunday media reports about meeting Israeli Defense Minister…
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei confirmed Saturday that thereViolence and Halt Settlements IMEMC Staff & Agencies Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei confirmed Saturday that there were contacts with the Israeli…
According to a local source, the luckiest among the driver suffered from an hour delay and residents in the close by neighborhood provided water for the passengers sitting inside the…
U.S. Secretary of State sent Friday a letter praising the GenevaGeneva Accords Gathers a Growing International Support IMEMC Staff and Agencies, 9:24 U.S. Secretary of State sent Friday a letter…
Ariel Sharon said Thursday that Israel was prepared to negotiateIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 31, 2003 Speaking at an economic forum in Tel Aviv, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said…
Two settlers were injured Wednesday as their car, traveling at KadimContinue with the Fight IMEMC & Agencies,October 30, 2003 Two settlers were injured Wednesday as their car, traveling at Kadim…
‘Nam tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet’ is one of the lassical Latin proverbs for educated lawyers, ‘Because it is your business if your neighbour’s roof is burning’ (i.e.,…
When missiles are flying in Gaza, killing dozens each day, a small word like “closure†can seem benign. Particularly to those of us who are used to being able to…
Arafat’s request to form a permanent cabinet, said that resistanceIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 29, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, who accepted Tuesday Arafat’s request to form a permanent…
U.S. president George Bush warned in a news conference Tuesday thatAcquisition IMEMC Staff & agencies, October 29, 2003 U.S. president George Bush warned in a news conference Tuesday that the…
Defense minister Shaul Mofaz said Tuseday that Hezbollah might beIMEMC & Agencies, October 28, 2003 During a visit to Nitzarim settlement in th Gaza Strip, Israeli Defense minister Shaul Mofaz…
Arafat would, in the coming few days, ask Prime Minster Ahmed QureiIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 28, 2003 Palestinian Authority well informed sources reported that President Arafat would, in the…
The spokesman of the British Embassy in Israel said Monday that theBritish Peace Activist IMEMC & Agencies, October 28, 2003 The spokesman of the British Embassy in Israel said Monday…
Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei requested a meeting with the LeadershipIMEMC & Agencies, October 27, 2003 Hamas leader in Gaza Abdul-Aziz Rantisi confirmed that Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei requested a…
Dove Weisglass, Director of PM Bureau, to investigate the intentionsIMEMC & Agencies, October 26, 2003 Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon formed a delegation, headed by Dove Weisglass, Director of PM…
over looking Netzarim settlement after evacuating more than 2,000Ghassan Andony-IMEMC,October 26, 2003 Army blew up Friday evening using dynamite three 13-story buildings over looking Netzarim settlement after evacuating more than…
minister Ariel Sharon confirmed that his security devices areIMEMC & Agencies, October 26, 2003 In an interview with Israel TV Channel two, on Friday , Prime minister Ariel Sharon confirmed…
claims, aggression, and ideologies. Through history, it wasGhassan Andoni – Analysis, October 25, 2003 Accommodating to the other is complicated by a series of historical claims, aggression, and ideologies. Through…
were injured Friday evening when Israeli soldiers drove into theIMEMC Special, October 25, 2003 17:23 Two young Palestinian boys and two international peace activists were injured Friday evening when Israeli…
officers, Major Amos Zuaretz of Netanya and First Lieutenant OshriGhassan Andoni –IMEMC, October 24, 2003 A gag order was lifted Thursday and information around The two officers, Major Amos Zuaretz…
4:20 am the exterior fence of Netzarim settlement in the Gaza StripIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 24, 2003 According to a military source, two resistance men crossed Friday 4:20 am…
construction of more than 300 new apartments in west bankIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 24, 2003 Israeli housing ministry issued a tender Thursday for the construction of more than 300…
Israeli settlers in Hebron, attacked residents of the old city ofwednesday IMEMC & Agencies October 23, 2003 Israeli settlers in Hebron, attacked residents of the old city of Hebron using…
in their early twenties were shot dead Thursday by masked activistsIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 23, 2003 In Tulkarem refugee camp, two men, Samer Ufi and Mohamed Faraj, bth in…
and the neighboring towns of Albeirah and Birzeit. SoldiersIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 22, 2003 More than 40 army vehicles invaded the West Bank city of Ramallah and the neighboring…
Israel defied Wednesday U.N. General Assembly resolution thatthe wall IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 22, 2003 Israel defied Wednesday U.N. General Assembly resolution that condemned the construction of the separation…
the same home that was attacked in the morning hours, recording theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 21, 2003 Around 10:30 P.M. Monday, army Apaches fired once more a missile at…
“He looked nervous, sounded angry, and lacked self confidence†thisOpportunities IMEMC & Agencies, October 21, 2003 “He looked nervous, sounded angry, and lacked self confidence†this is how Knesset Member…
According to Israeli army and medical sources three soldiers wereWounded IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 20, 2003 According to Israeli army and medical sources three soldiers were killed and another…
Sharon described the attacks as ‘part of the war against terrorism’,IMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 20, 2003 While Ra’anan Gissin, an advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon described the…
West Bank, spent the night locked behind the damaged South gate of& George Rishmawi, IMEMC, October 20, 2003 15:27 Seven farmers from Jayyous village, near Qalqilia city, north of the…
The UN General Assembly will convene Monday to discuss a proposal,’Extremely Dangerous’ IMEMC & Agencies 12:15 The UN General Assembly will convene Monday to discuss a proposal, submitted by the…
talks with U.S. officials and legislators.IMEMC Staff & Agencies Three senior Fatah officials departed early Sunday to Washington for talks with U.S. officials and legislators. The three young Fatah leaders…
Two Hamas operatives and women were killed and 16 others wounded, asRafah IMEMC Staff & Agencies 12:10 Two Hamas operatives and women were killed and 16 others wounded, as soldiers…
in Gaza, U.S. embassy in Israel decided Friday to suspend untilIMEMC Staff & AgenciesOctober 18, 2003 9:21 Following the bombing attack that took the lives of three Americans in Gaza,…
forwarded a firm message to both Israel and the PalestinianIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 18, 2003 At the end of the European Union summit in Brussels, EU leaders forwarded a…
A new order issued by the military commander of the West Bank announced to Palestinians that they are no longer allowed to be on their land west of the separation…
would lose ground in many of the large and medium size cities in theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 17, 2003 Surveys conducted by both Labor and Likud parties show that…
left was wrong, Palestinians wants to destroy you and now I providedGhassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 17, 2003 The supposedly leader of center and left told the public that the left…
relation to the bombing of the American convoy, saying: ‘We madeIMEMC & Agencies, October 17, 2003 A leader of the Popular Resistance Committees denied Thursdayany relation to the bombing of…
objections especially from the side of the missing since 1982 airIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 17, 2003 The prisoners’ swap with Hezbollah is still facing serious objections especially from the…
popular resistance committee, a group that consists largely ofIMEMC & Agencies, October 16, 2003 Palestinian police arrested Thursday morning three members of the popular resistance committee, a group that consists…
weaknesses that the Palestinian Authority worked hard to cover. TheGhassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 16, 2003 The attack against the American envoy in northern Gaza exposed the weaknesses that the Palestinian…
army central command, Major General Moshe Kaplinsky signed an orderIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 In what appears to be a larger scale measure, the commander of the army…
presented to the UN Security Council, calling on Israel to halt theIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 United States vetoed Tuesday night a Palestinian-drafted resolution, presented to the UN…
a Gaza Strip refugee camp were self-defense against ‘terrorism.’IMEMC & Agencies, October 15, 2003 The United States said on Tuesday that Israeli house demolitions in a Gaza Strip refugee camp…
morning near a convoy of three American Embassy cars near BeitIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 15, 2003 Three Americans killed, when an explosive device detonated Wednesday morning near a convoy…
For the third week, Israeli soldiers waged war against Jenin and its camp using vehicles of the most obscure size and shape. The streets have become a battlefield where fierce…
reports around the appointment of Hakam Balawi for interior, sayingIMEMC Staff, October 14,2003 Minister for external affairs Nabil Sha’ath denied Monday earlier reports around the appointment of Hakam Balawi for…
into Rafah refugee camp. Army source described the incursion asIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 14, 2003 Dozens of Tanks, ABCs, and military Jeeps re-incurred Monday evening into Rafah refugee camp.…
separation wall for the ninth executive day without being allowed toIMEMC Staff, October 14, 2003 70 farmers from Jauss village near Qalqyliah are locked west of the separation wall for…
Then the streets started screaming and we were running almost without thinking, down the edges of the street around the people who had lost their fear, around donkey carts loaded…
toured Sunday Rafah refugee camp to evaluate the damage caused byIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 13, 2003 The head of the UN agency for Palestinian Refugees Peter Hansen toured Sunday…
With the finalization of Geneva document, signs of opposition andor Escalate Violence Ghassan Andoni, IMEMC, October 13, 2003 With the finalization of Geneva document, signs of opposition and support are…
stepping out of a meeting with President Yasser Arafat that ‘in aIMEMC Staff October 13, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Queri told Sunday reporters, after stepping out of a meeting…
The most dramatic moment arrived in the evening after Yom Kippur. We were sitting in the courtyard of Arafat’s Mukat’ah (compound); a group of Israeli peace activists and Palestinian friends,…
Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei arrived at anIMEMC Staff, October 12, 2003 In a meeting Saturday evening in Ramallah, Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and his Prime Minister…
Rafah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, but added that aIMEMC Staff, October 12, 2003 Army source reported that troops pulled Sunday before dawn out from Rafah refugee camp…
the second day and according to military sources, is expected toIMEMC & Agencies, October 11, 2003 Military operation in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip continued for the second day…
final stage of formulating a final status agreement to theAnalysis- Ghassan Andoni, October 11, 2003 Israeli left leaders and Palestinian Authority officials are in the final stage of formulating a…
Arafat’s heath condition. Time Magazine website reported that heIMEMC Staff, October 10, 2003 International media was occupied with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s heath condition. Time Magazine website reported that he…
against Syria, calling it ‘biased and illogical’ that wouldIMEMC Staff, October 10, 2003 Syria criticized the preliminary U.S. congress approval of sanctions against Syria, calling it ‘biased and illogical’ that…
Three Rafah residents, including 12-years-old child were killed, atGaza Ghassan Andoni & Agencies, October 10, 2003 10:07 Three Rafah residents, including 12-years-old child were killed, at least 12 others were…
The U.S. is expected to veto the resolution presented by the ArabAmerican Vetoes IMEMC & Agencies, October 10, 2003 The U.S. is expected to veto the resolution presented by the…
Legislative Council (PLC) meeting Thursday, Palestinian PrimeGhassan Andoni-IMEMC, October 10, 2003 Palestinian sources reported that following the stormy Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) meeting Thursday, Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei sent…
government and its guidelines to the Palestinian Legislative CouncilIMEMC Sataff, October 9, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei would present his narrow government and its guidelines to the Palestinian Legislative…
Israeli army is considering reverting back to the expulsion ofGaza IMEMC Staff and Agencies October 9, 2003 Israeli army is considering reverting back to the expulsion of family members and…
the emergency cabinet presented by Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei.IMEMC Staff, October 9, 2003 The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) delayed Thursday a vote on the emergency cabinet presented by Prime Minister…
vehicles with WB license plates to travel on West bank roads that isIMEMC Staff, October 9, 2003 Israel a 4 days total closure of all West Bank areas, prohibiting vehicles…
While U.S. president George Bush stood firmly backing Israeli PrimeWith International Law IMEMC & Agencies, October 9, 2003 While U.S. president George Bush stood firmly backing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel…
warned that if Syria “fails to grasp the message conveyed, it willIMEMC Staff, October 7, 2003 Israel declared a state of high alert on the northern borders and warned that…
Monday that he plans for a quick push to reach a truce with Israel,IMEMC & Agencies, October 7, 2003 Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia told Associated Press on Monday that…
by pass the approval of the Palestinian legislative council (PLC)IMEMC Staff, October 6, 2003 16:31 Declaring a state of emergency and forming an emergency cabinet to by pass the approval…
In an interview with the Al-Arabia TV on Sunday, the GeneralResistance IMEMC Staff, October 6, 2003 In an interview with the Al-Arabia TV on Sunday, the General Secretary of the…
Sunday in an emergency session to discuss the Israeli air strike onIMEMC Staff & Agencies, October 6, 2003 Upon the request of Syria, the UN Security Council convened on Sunday…
Palestinian areas and named Ahmed Qureia Prime Minister of anIMEMC Staff, October 6, 2003 Palestinian President Yasser Arafat declared a state of emergency in Palestinian areas and named Ahmed Qureia…
Following the Haifa bombing, and based on orders from IsraeliDemolition. Ali Samoudi & Staff, IMEMC, October 5, 2003 Following the Haifa bombing, and based on orders from Israeli Defense Minister…
West Bank city of Jenin, left her home and arrived at MaximGhassan Andoni, October 5, 2003 Hanadi Jaradat, 29, an Islamic Jihad operative from the northern West Bank city of…
State department spokesman Richard Boucher called the IsraeliIMEMC & Agencies, October 4, 2003 By: Ghassan Andoni State department spokesman Richard Boucher called the Israeli decision to issue tenders to build…
central section of the separation wall, Israel issued tenders forIMEMC Staff, October 3, 2003 One day after the cabinet decided to go ahead with building the central section of the…
proposal to continue building the central section of the separationIMEMC Staff, October 2, 2003 The Israeli cabinet approved Wednesday by an 18-4 majority the PM proposal to continue building the…
Israeli official sources denied Wednesday evening that Israel hadSide of Israel IMEMC Staff, October 2, 2003 Israeli official sources denied Wednesday evening that Israel had ended the indirect prisoner exchange…
The US State department informed Congress on Tuesday that there willGuarantees IMEMC Staff, October 1, 2003 The US State department informed Congress on Tuesday that there will be no immediate…
The Israeli cabinet will convene on Wednesday to finalize itssection of Separation Wall IMEMC & Agencies, October 1, 2003 The Israeli cabinet will convene on Wednesday to finalize its position…
Palestinian officials close to Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Qureiaproposal IMEMC Staff, October 1, 2003 Palestinian officials close to Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Qureia said Tuesday that he is looking back to the…
week the special American Envoy John Wolf demanded that PalestinianIMEMC Staff October 1, 2003 According to informed Palestinian sources, in a meeting early this week the special American Envoy John…
A group of Israeli writers and thinkers joined the Israeli Yesh GvolOfficials IMEMC & Agencies, September 30, 2003 A group of Israeli writers and thinkers joined the Israeli Yesh Gvol…
Wiliams Burns, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near EastActivities in The WB IMEMC Staff, September 30, 2003 Wiliams Burns, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East affairs warned…
construction of the separation wall near the Ariel settlement, anIMEMC & Agencies, September 29, 2003 The Israeli cabinet will convene on Wednesday to discuss the construction of the separation wall…
for his closing arguments to discuss the political agreementsIMEMC Staff & Agencies, September 29, 2003 In protest of his trial, Marwan Barghouti utilized his allotted time for his closing arguments…
UK & US officials, who have external supervision over JerichoInmates IMEMC & Agencies, September 29, 2003 UK & US officials, who have external supervision over Jericho Prison, protested to the…
Palestinian territories during the Jewish holidays. A full closureIMEMC Staff, September 29, 2003 Israeli security forces lifted Monday morning the closure imposed on Palestinian territories during the Jewish holidays. A…
After a three hour meeting in Ramallah, the Fatah Central CommitteeDahlan Out IMEMC Staff & Agencies, September 28, 2003 After a three hour meeting in Ramallah, the Fatah Central Committee…
Jerusalem — In the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place in 1996, I remember clearly my pride in participating in those first-ever Palestinian elections. US President Carter and others…
Negohot, southwest of the Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron andIMEMC & Agencies, September 27, 2003 Armed Palestinian infiltrated Friday night the settlement of Negohot, southwest of the Palestinian West…