West Bank Palestinians have suffered numerous settler attacks centering around communities mostly near Nablus and Hebron as well as Bethlehem and Jericho. Israeli Occupation forces have been documented and reported aiding and abetting the violence in some cases, seemingly providing protection to the colonist aggressors.

October 12th

Near Bethlehem-

Local sources reported to Wafa News Agency that armed para-military colonizers attacked Al- Ja’aba, a village south of Bethlehem, while guarded by Israeli occupation forces. Diab Masha’ala head of Al-Jaba’a shared concern that these attacks on local residents may continue and are reminiscent of similar attacks that occurred near Nablus in the village of Qusra, where colonizers previously murdered six Palestinians in 24 hours. WAFA News Agency Reports.

In the Central Jordan valley, Israeli paramilitary colonizers attacked and injured two Palestinian civilians from the Abu Kabash Bedouin community. In an interview with WAFA News Agency, Shehada Abu Kabash, a local resident, explained that 2 members of his family had been assaulted; as well as members of the Al Shtayyeh family. The colonizers threatened the families with forcible eviction and set fire to three of their vehicles.


A video circulating on social media shows hundreds of Israeli colonizers attacking Huwara village storefronts and causing mayhem on the town’s main street, bringing occupation forces with them. Shops were vandalized and goods and property were damaged by colonizers as Israeli occupation forces stood by providing protection for the aggressors. Reported by The Intercept and Wafa News Agency. Huwara is located in the Nablus province of the northern West Bank.

October 13th


Zakaria Al-Adra was taken to Martyr Abu Al-Hasan Al-Qasim Hospital in critical condition after an Israeli colonial terrorist shot him in the abdomen. The colonial terrorist, while protected by Israeli occupation forces opened fire with his rifle on Al-Adra while he was near the mosque in the village of Tuwani, part of the Masafar Yatta region near Hebron. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition. WAFA News Agency reports.

Mohamed Raba’i, head of Tuwani village Council said that two other youths were assaulted as well when after the shooting Israeli occupation forces used their rifle butts to hit one young man in the chest and the other in the head. They were taken to clinics in Yatta. Al-Quds reports.

Near Nablus and Jenin-

There were multiple Israeli colonizer attacks in towns near Nablus, Jenin and Bethlehem. Among those injured, 3 Palestinians were shot with live bullets. In Nablus, armed colonizers under the protection of Israeli occupation forces, attacked the towns leading to confrontation. They used live bullets to shoot and injure the 3 youths.

There was a report also of a vehicle being attacked by colonists west of Bethlehem. A civilian reported Israeli colonists shooting at their vehicle as they drove on a dirt road between Ja’baa and Nahalin areas. There were no injuries.

Colonizers from Homesh, an illegal settlement south of Jenin, attacked homes of Palestinians in nearby Silat al-Dhaher and Al-Fanduqumiya. Sources local to the area reported to Wafa News Agency that colonizers caused mayhem in the two towns throwing rocks, empty glass bottles and burning tires into homes of Palestinians. The residents stepped in to defend their towns from the aggressive action and confrontations occurred between the colonizers and the residents of the village. Wafa News Agency Reports.