Illegal Israeli colonizers injured, on Saturday, Palestinian citizens near Hebron in the southern West Bank, and burned dozens of olive trees near Nablus in the northern West Bank.

On Saturday, illegal Israeli colonizers attacked Palestinian citizens in the village of Susya, south of Hebron, in the southern West Bank.

Media sources said that on Saturday afternoon, a group of settlers, armed with sticks and rocks, attacked and injured at least two women in the village of Susya, south of Hebron.

Sources added that the attacks took place under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces, resulting in a 62-year-old woman in the head after being struck with a rock, while a 52-year-old woman also suffered injuries to her head after illegal settlers assaulted her.

Meanwhile, in the southern West Bank, Israeli colonizers erected tents on Palestinian-owned lands near Bethlehem, on Saturday afternoon.

According to Zayed Kawazbeh, the head of Al-Minya village council, told WAFA that illegal settlers set up three tents on the lands east of Al-Minya village, east of Bethlehem.

Furthermore, a group of colonizers set fire to a large area of land in the village of Sarra, west of Nablus in the northern West Bank, burning dozens of mature olive trees.

In the village of Rujeib, southeast of Nablus, a group of colonizers stormed an area east of the village, on Saturday evening, while Palestinian citizens confronted the invaders; no injuries were reported.