Photos of Israeli occupation and Palestinian life in the West Bank city of Hebron (Al Khalil), by Christian Peacemaker Teams.

Checkpoint Expansion

Pictured here:  Expansion of Israeli Checkpoint Located on a-Sahla Street south of the Tomb of the Patriarchs, close to the al-Ibrahimiya school and the Abu a-Rish Mosque. Local population faces more restrictions and delays in their way to the Old City.

Children Rights!

Pictured here:  Palestinian child was randomly stopped and questioned by Israeli Border Police

Prayer Road

Pictured here: Palestinian men, women and children wait until the Israeli Border Police push the button to operate the turnstile that will  allow them to go for noon prayers at Ibrahimi Mosque.


Bag Check

Pictured here:  On their way to the Ibrahimi Mosque a group of  young Palestinian women were stopped by Israeli Border Police for bag check . 


More Restriction!

Pictured here:  In the Holy month of Ramadan, when more people go to the mosque after the Iftar “breaking the fast”, restrictions and detentions continue taking place, five Palestinian were stopped for ID check for more than ten minutes on their way to pray.           


Children in Ramadan

Pictured here: The older sister is fixing her sister vale as they get ready for the prayer on Friday.


Prayers for peace.

Pictured here: Palestinians during the noon prayers in position of prostrating  on the first Friday of Ramadan.


via the Alternative Information Center, Beit Sahour.

More at CPT official.