On Saturday, the Israeli army continued the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in several parts of the Gaza Strip, killing dozens of Palestinians, including many women and children, and wounding many more.

In Rafah, in the Gaza Strip’s southmost part, the army fired missiles and shells at homes in several parts of the city, killing more than 16 Palestinians, including women and children, and wounding dozens.

The army bombarded Arabiya area, north of Rafah, Salam neighborhood, east of the city and the Al-Barazil neighborhood, south of the city, in addition to many neighborhoods, such as Al-Jenina, an-Nahda and Shouka town, among several other areas.

Medical sources said at least nine Palestinians, including children, were killed, and many were injured when the army fired a missile at a home for the Hashash family in Arabiya area, northwest of Rafah.

In Jabalia refugee camp, in northern Gaza, the army fired missiles and shells at dozens of homes, and deliberately targeted ambulances trying to reach wounded and slain Palestinians.

In central Gaza, the army fired missiles at many homes in the Zawaida town, killing at least 26 Palestinians, most of whom are children and women, from the Al-Loah and Khatib families.

Also, at least three Palestinians were killed, and many were injured, when the army fired a shell at a tent where families sheltered in Zawaida, in addition to killing and wounding many Palestinians in Ezbet Abed-Rabbu, north of Gaza.

In Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, the army fired many missiles and shells at homes in the Deir Al-Balah refugee camp, killing at least nine Palestinians, including many women and children.

In Gaza City, the army fired missiles at a home for the Al-Ashram family in the Sabra neighborhood, killing at least ten Palestinians, including women and children, and wounding many others.

Medical sources said, Saturday, that the Palestinians found three mass graves containing the bodies of at least 80 Palestinians who were killed and buried by the Israeli army in the courtyard of the Shifa Medical Center in Gaza when the soldiers invaded.

They added that, so far, the medics and the residents have found more than 520 slain Palestinians in seven mass graves in the yards of various hospitals in the Gaza Strip, and dozens of slain Palestinians inside the various departments of many hospitals; some of the Palestinians were patients who died due to the siege and the lack of medical supplies and food.

It is worth mentioning that the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, published a video of its fighters targeting Israeli tanks in the Zeitoun neighborhood, in Gaza City, forcing the tanks and armored vehicles to withdraw, and added that many soldiers were killed and injured before military helicopter evacuated them.

Al-Qassam said its fighters prepared an ambush with explosives just a day earlier after studying the movements of the Israeli tanks and figuring out their route.

It added that its sharpshooter also targeted soldiers, including an officer who apparently had a grenade or a firearms magazine on his vest, causing it to explode.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Israel has killed at least 34.971 Palestinians and injured more than 78.641, most of whom are women and children, in addition to the thousands who remain under the rubble.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said its teams in Gaza are struggling to tally the casualties of the escalating Israeli bombings across the coastal enclave, and added that the death toll, including those under the rubble, has surpassed 43.000, more than %92 of them are civilians, including women and children.