In the latest Israeli airstrike, at least five civilians were killed on Friday evening in raids carried out by the Israeli occupation aircraft on the cities of Gaza and Rafah.

Local sources said that the Israeli occupation aircraft bombed a house belonging to the Tafesh family in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing 4 citizens and wounding 10 others, and causing great destruction to the house and neighboring houses.

Another Palestinian was killed by the Israeli air strikes on homes of north of Rafah.

Several children were injured while playing in the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City, after an Israeli drone dropped a bomb on them.

Medical sources announced that there are dozens of bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces lying in the streets of Rafah, in addition to injured people that medical teams cannot reach due to the continued shelling.

In addition, Israeli occupation forces targeted the Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Rafah, which was evacuated and out of service, causing a fire in large parts of it.

The sources pointed out that the rescue crews were able to recover the bodies of two unidentified decomposing bodies from the Abu Afaneh junction inside the Brazil neighborhood in Rafah.

updated from:

Day 245: Israeli Missiles Kill Dozens, Including Children, In Gaza

Published on: Jun 7, 2024 at 23:14

On Friday, Day 245 of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians in the devastated and besieged Gaza Strip, Israeli missiles and shells struck various parts of the impoverished coastal enclave, killing dozens of Palestinians, including children and women, and wounding many more.

The Israeli army fired a missile at a home for the Tafesh family in the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing four Palestinians and wounding ten, in addition to causing damage to surrounding homes.

Also, an Israeli military drone a missile at another part of the Zeitoun neighborhood, wounding several children who were playing in the area.

The Israeli army also fired a missile at a school, housing displaced families, west of Gaza City, killing and wounding dozens; the attack is the second in just two days.

Medical sources said the army killed three Palestinians and injured at least fifteen in a UNRWA-run school in the Shati’ refugee camp, west of Gaza City, just one day after the army killed and injured dozens of Palestinians in another school in Nusseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza.

The three Palestinians were identified as Saadullah Abu Al-Omarien, Akram Eqeilan, and Khaled Shehada.

Furthermore, the army fired a shell at a home in the Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City, killing two Palestinians and wounding many.

In the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, in central Gaza, the army fired a missile at a home for the Rafati family, in the northern part of the refugee camp, killing six Palestinians and wounding many others.

The army also fired artillery shells at homes in the eastern area of the Al-Maghazi refugee camp.

At least one Palestinian was killed and many injured when the army fired a missile at Salahuddin Street, east of Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza.

Two Palestinians were also killed, and many were injured when the army fired missiles at the Al-Ja’farawi area, east of Deir Al-Balah.

In addition, the Palestinians in Jabalia refugee camp, in northern Gaza, continue to find corpses of slain Palestinians under the rubble of bombarded homes and buildings, days after the Israeli army withdrew.

Medical sources said several mass graves were found after the Israeli army withdrew from the destroyed refugee camp.

The Al-Quds News Agency said the Shifa Hospital in Gaza has also witnessed multiple such mass graves, where Israeli forces executed hundreds of Palestinians, including doctors, patients, women, and children.

It is worth mentioning that, on Thursday, the army fired missiles and shells at the UNRWA-run Nusseirat Secondary School for Boys, where families sheltered in Camp 2 of Nusseirat, killing 40 Palestinians and wounding dozens, including many women and children.

In Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, the army killed ten Palestinians and injured many others after the soldiers fired a missile at a home for the Tabash family in Abasan Al-Kabira town, east of the city.

In Rafah, in Gaza’s southmost part, the army fired missiles at homes in the northern part of the city, killing one Palestinian and wounding many others.

Also in Rafah, rescue teams found the decomposed corpses of two Palestinians in the Abu Affana Junction area in the Al-Barazil neighborhood.

Furthermore, the army said it assassinated a senior commander of the General Security Service in Rafah.

In addition, many homes, farmlands, and agricultural facilities were burnt due to Israeli bombs in the Arabiya area, north of Rafah, where the army also fired missiles at a home and destroyed it.

Furthermore, the Israeli army fired many shells and missiles at several parts of Rafah, especially in its central area.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said the army killed at least 77 Palestinians and injured 221 since dawn hours, Friday, in several parts of the Gaza Strip. The numbers are only those who were moved to medical centers.

The United Nations informed Israel it is adding it to the “blacklist of countries that have committed abuses against children in armed conflict,” after thousands of Palestinian children have been killed in Israel’s ongoing bombings of the devastated coastal region, Al-Jazeera English has reported.

Israeli UN Ambassador, Gild Erdan, said in a social media post, Friday, that he received the official notification from the office of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

“I responded to the shameful decision and said that our army is the most moral in the world. The only one being blacklisted is the Secretary-General who incentivizes and encourages terrorism and is motivated by hatred towards Israel,” Erdan alleged while ignoring the thousands of slain children and women due to Israel’s continued bombing and shelling of the densely populated Gaza Strip.

It is worth mentioning that, earlier this week, UNICEF said that nine in ten Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip live in “severe child food poverty,” adding that “the children in Gaza are surviving on diets comprising two or fewer food groups per day – one of the highest percentages ever recorded”.

The Health Ministry stated that Israel has now killed at least 36.731 Palestinians and injured more than 83.530, including many women, children, and elders, in addition to the thousands of missing Palestinians, largely under the rubble, on streets and destroyed alleys, in various parts of the Gaza Strip, since October 7, 2023.