On Friday, the Israeli army continued the bombing and shelling of various parts of the devastated, destroyed, starved, and besieged Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of Palestinians, including children and women.

The army fired shells at homes and dozens of live rounds at fleeing residents in the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing at least one child and wounding many Palestinians.

|Earlier Article: Day 252: Ongoing Israeli Bombing, Kills And Injures Dozens In Gaza|

Late on Friday night, Israeli missiles struck many homes in Gaza, killing at least 14 Palestinians, and wounding more than 50, including many women and children.

The army also fired missiles at homes in Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, wounding many Palestinians.

In Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, the army fired missiles at several parts of the city, while the navy also fired missiles at the port area, killing at least one Palestinian and wounding many.

|Israel has committed 3,300 massacres in Gaza since October 7th|

In Rafah, in Gaza’s southmost part, the army fired missiles and shells at several parts of the city, causing many casualties.

Also, Palestinian Civil Defense medics located the corpses of three Palestinians under the rubble of a home in the Saudi neighborhood, in the western part of Rafah city.

It is worth mentioning that the Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said two Israeli captives were killed when the Israeli army bombarded Rafah a few days ago.

Al-Jazeera said medical sources informed its correspondents that the Israeli army killed 25 Palestinians, Friday, and added that a Palestinian infant was killed by Israeli missiles in the Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City, where at least 30 Palestinians were injured.

It added that the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, Husam Abu Safiyya, said the health system in Gaza is facing dire conditions, with severe supply shortages and the absence of fuel for the electricity generators.

In related news, the Group of Seven (G7) said that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) must be allowed to work in Gaza without obstacles.

“We agree UNRWA and other UN organizations and agencies’ distribution networks must be fully able to deliver aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively,” said G7.

The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a “non-enumerated member”.

It is worth mentioning that Switzerland announced, Friday, that it intends to provide $11.2 Million to the UNRWA after the international human rights group appealed for “humanitarian aid and was intended exclusively to cover the organization’s most urgent needs in Gaza between April to December 2024: food, water, shelter, primary healthcare and logistics,” the WAFA News agency said.

Israel’s Public Broadcaster, KANN, said Israeli security officials state that Israel’s military operation in Rafah will end in about two weeks, and added that if a ceasefire deal is achieved before the conclusion of the military operation in Rafah, Israel must then decide the next steps and that the ground offensive in Rafah is close to ending its second phase.

The Israeli army invaded Rafah, on May 6, destroyed and occupied the Rafah Border Terminal with Egypt, and blocked the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza despite the famine, diseases, and deaths due to the lack of food, fuel, and medical supplies.

Israel has now killed at least 37.232 Palestinians, including more than 15.694 children, and injured more than 85.037, mostly women, children, and elderly, in addition to the thousands who remain under the rubble and in destroyed alleys and streets, in several parts of the coastal enclave since October 7, 2023.