Etzion military base (archive image)

The Palestinian Authority’s Detainee and Ex-Detainees Commission said, today, that Palestinian political detainees in the Israeli prison of Etzion, near Bethlehem city, in the occupied West Bank, have been suffering unbearable imprisonment conditions, particularly with regard to the meals they get for the break of their daily Ramadan fast.

According to the Commission, instead of fasting only from sunrise to sunset every day, during the holy month of Ramadan, the detainees are compelled to fast for many consecutive days without a break because of the extremely bad meals – in terms and quality and quantity – they get from the prison administration, which has forced many of the prisoners to refuse to receive them.

For instance, the Commission adds, the prison administration provides the prisoners with badly-cooked food, such as rotten boiled eggs that are cooked a long time before being served to the prisoner.

WAFA further reports that the Commision has called on international human rights organizations to intervene in putting an end to Israel’s ill-treatment of the Palestinian political detainees, and to allow them access to good food and cold water, especially during Ramadan and the current unbearable weather conditions.

(image source: Days of Palestine)