Around 1600 Palestinian political prisoners, held by Israel, continue the hunger strike for the 34th consecutive day, determined to achieve their demands, while Israel continues to refuse to hold serious talks, and instead, is trying to divide them, in addition to punishing many by forcing them into solitary confinement, and repeatedly transferring many to different prisons.

The Media Committee of the Palestinian Detainees Committee has reported that the “Freedom and Dignity” strike is going through one of the most serious and sensitive stages, and that the detainees are determined to continue until achieving their demands.

It said that the Israeli government has appointed the head of the Shabak, and the Prison Authority, to do whatever is possible to end the hunger strike before U.S. President Donald Trump visits the region, “even if this means adhering to most of the detainees’ demands.”

The Committee stated that Israel tried various methods to end this strike and to break the will of the detainees, but is reaching a dead end amidst the determination of the detainees.

In addition, the committee said that the imprisoned leadership of the strike is the only party that can accept or reject any suggested offers, and will continue to resist all Israel attempts to break the detainees’ unity.

“The striking detainees are very determined to achieve their legitimate demands,” the committee said, “They also reply on public support and solidarity, especially at this delicate stage of the strike.”

The committee also called on media outlets to be aware of Israel’s propaganda regarding the detainees and their strike, and the so-called “leaked information about secret talks between the detainees and the prison authority.”

The detainees are ongoing with the strike, demanding basic rights, guaranteed by International law, and all human rights agreements. These rights include ending solitary confinement policies, allowing them regular visits with their families, and granting them adequate medical attention.