Illegal Israeli settlers, Wednesday, levelled large stretch of Palestinian-owned land, in the northern West Bank districts of Nablus and Qalqilia, local sources said.

Palestinian official who monitors Israeli settlement activity in the area, Ghassan Daghlas, told Palestinian WAFA News Agency that illegal Israeli colonists, accompanied by a bulldozer, proceeded to level a tract of land, owned by Palestinian villagers from Einabus, south of Nablus.

The colonial settlers were said to have come from the illegal Yitzhar colony, located south of Nablus.

In the meantime, Palestinian Fatah official, Majd Abu Hajlah, told WAFA that illegal Israeli settlers razed a section of Palestinian-owned farmland southeast of Qalqilia.

Daghlas added that more Israeli colonists from the illegal colony of Yitzhar, pumped all the water out of a well belonging to Palestinians in Madama village, south of Nablus, leaving no water for the residents of Madama.