Illegal, extremist colonists, on Saturday night, attacked several Palestinian homes with stones and glass bottles, in the southern occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

WAFA correspondent said that dozens of settlers from the illegal Israeli settlement of Keryat Arba’, protected by a military escort, hurled rocks and glass bottles at Palestinians’ homes in Jaber neighborhood.

The aggressive settlers also chanted profanities and racist slogans at the residents, harassing families with children.

According to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem; About 34,000 Palestinians and 700 settlers now live in the H2 area of Hebron. Under the 1997 Hebron Agreement, the city was divided into two areas: H1 and H2, Israel retaining responsibility for security matters in H2.

Of the Palestinian residents, some 7,000 live in areas near settlers’ homes or near streets in use by the settlers.

Israeli authorities impose a regime intentionally and openly based on the “principle of separation”, the result of which is legal and physical segregation between the Israeli settlers and the Palestinian residents.

Palestinians living in the area are subjected to extreme restrictions on their movement by car or on foot – including the closure of main streets – while settlers are free to go where they wish. In addition, the military has issued shutdown orders to hundreds of Palestinian owned stores and commercial establishments in the area.

Image: Alray
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam