For the 104th time in just a few years, Israeli soldiers and police officers demolished, Friday, the al-Araqeeb Bedouin village, in the Negev.

Several Israeli army and police vehicles surrounded the Bedouin community, before invading it, and demolished it.

Resident Aziz SIyah Touri, who was repeatedly kidnapped and imprisoned by the army, including in June of this year, told the Maan news Agency that Israel aims at removing the residents from their lands, in order to build and expand its settlements and shopping centers, in the area.

“But we are here to stay; this is our land, our village,” he said, “The more they attack us, the more we become determined and steadfast.”

The village has been demolished at least 100 times since 2010, while the Israeli authorities are also suing the villagers, demanding them to pay the costs of demolishing their village, amounting to more than 2 Million Israeli Shekels.