Israeli authorities in the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, where Israel has wrestled control for five decades now, reportedly imposed on Friday many fines on Palestinian residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

The local Palestinian Wadi Hilweh Information Center (Silwanic) reported that the fines were imposed on local Palestinians, who participate in a weekly protest against the continued illegal Israeli settlement activities and confiscation of Palestinian-owned lands, across East Jerusalem.

The center said that at least seven Palestinian activists from the same neighborhood, received fines and were forced to sign a commitment that they will not take part in any future protests.

Each fine, according to the center, was 35,000 New Israeli Shekels (10,000 US Dollars).

One of the protestors was quoted as saying, on condition of anonymity, that the participants staged their weekly protest, based on current precaution measures to fight the Coronavirus and that the number of those who took part, was based on the Israeli authorities’ instructions.

In the meantime, Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem, abducted a number of Palestinian youth from the Qanater Ekhdair neighborhood in the old city, after residents confronted Israeli forces, no further details were provided.