Israeli forces executed three Palestinian young men, on Wednesday evening, after bombing a vehicle in the Iktaba suburb, northeast of Tulkarem city in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the bodies of three slain young men arrived at the Al-Israa Hospital in Tulkarem, after an armed drone targeted their vehicle with a missile.

    Later, the Shireen Observatory identified the three slain young men as:

    Salah El Din Ammar Saleh Al-Badou, 21,

    Imad Al-Din Khader Masoud Shahada, 28, and

    Mohammad Nasser Sabry Abu Attia, 19

The Ma’an News Agency reported that an armed Israeli drone fired at least two missiles at vehicle, and quoted the army who announced that it bombed the vehicle, claiming that there were resistance fighters inside.

Media sources said that the drone strike caused the vehicle to burst into flames, killing the three young men instantly, and added that soldiers stormed the Iktaba suburb after the bombing and removed the bombed vehicle’s frame with a bulldozer.

Sources added that the missile strike also caused a nearby house to catch fire, while Civil Defense crews worked to extinguish the fire.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that its ambulance crews transported the bodies of two unidentified citizens from the bombed vehicle; it is unclear whether the army confiscated one of the bodies.

In related news, the Israeli army assassinated five Palestinians, on Wednesday morning, when an airstrike targeted them in the city of Tubas, in the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank.

    The five slain young men were identified as:

    Tolba Mahmoud Jamil Bisharat, 18,

    Mohammad Sa’id Hussein Sawafta, 19,

    Majd Burhan Jamil Sawafta, 23,

    Qais Saeb Rateb Sawafta, 24, and

    Yassin Ahmad Ali Sawafta, 22.

Also, on Tuesday, occupation forces shot and killed Ahmad Jamal Ahmad Majdouba, 25 and the woman, Heba Shehada Mosleh Halawa, 21, and injured at least eight others in the city of Tulkarem.