Shehab News Agency

The mayor of Deir Jarir village, on Friday, was shot with a rubber-coated steel round, when Israeli troops suppressed a peaceful demonstration northeast of Ramallah, in the central occupied West Bank, the Palestinian WAFA News Agency reported.

Witnesses said that hundreds of protestors, expressing their rejection of the occupation state’s intent to construct a new colony in the area, were met with aggression by the Israeli army, who fired rubber-coated steel rounds and tear-gas canisters at the crowd.

The mayor of the town, identified as Ayman Alawi, was shot in the head with a steel round, while others suffered the effects of tear-gas inhalation. All injuries were treated on site.

Shehab News Agency

#صور إصابة شاب بالرصاص وآخرون بالاختناق، خلال قمع الاحتلال مسيرة منددة بإقامة بؤرة استيطانية جديدة في منطقة جبل "الشرفة" بقرية دير جرير شرق رام الله.

Posted by ‎شهاب‎ on Friday, December 25, 2020

|Israeli Forces Shoot, Injure Two Palestinians at Weekly Kufur Qaddoum March|