Israeli occupation authorities delivered, Tuesday night, a confiscation warrant to a Palestinian family in the Wadi Al-Hilweh neighborhood of Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem.

According to the Wadi Al-Hilweh Information Center (Silwanic), the warrant is pertaining to an Israeli authorities’ plan to confiscate the home of Palestinian Samareen family, who have lived in their own home for many decades.

The center noted that the warrant is based on a verdict issued by the Israeli central court, demanding the Samareen family to evacuate its home, before the court delivers the home to the so-called Israeli Hemonta company, which is said to be an organ of the Jewish National Fund.

Israeli authorities claim that they had informed the Samareen family long ago, that the home, consisting of four apartments with 18 family members living in it, was subject to the so-called Absentee’s Properly Law.

In response to the confiscation warrant, the Samareen family was quoted as saying that they have lived in the home for many decades, with the family’s grandfather Mousa Samareen, being the first owner and dweller of the home.

Al’a Samareen, a spokesperson for the family, told media outlets that the grandfather Mousa, had lived at the home, before he died in the early 1980s. Samareen added that in 1983, Israeli authorities subjected the home to the Absentee’s Property Law, through which Israel seizes Palestinian properties.

He made clear that back in 1991, Israeli authorities alleged that the late owner of the home, Mousa Samareen, had no inheritors in the Palestinian territories.

“Such an allegation can not be accepted, as myself and about 17 other Samareen family members have lived at this now-threatened home for several decades now”, Al’a Samareen, stated on behalf of the family.

Noteworthy, the Jewish National Fund is a part of the Jewish Agency, established more than one hundred years ago, for the purpose of purchasing Palestinian-owned properties in the lands of Palestine, for the sake of reinforcing Jewish existence there.