Israeli authorities banned, on Wednesday, installation of Palestinian-owned solar panels and a green house in the northern occupied West Bank area of Al-Aghwar.

Local Palestinian media sources said that an Israeli troop obstructed installation works in the Kherbet Aldeir village, within the Tubas governorate.

Palestinian chief for the Al-Aghwar rural area, Mo’taz Bsharat, told local media outlets that Israeli authorities, escorted by the military, invaded the Kherbet Aldeir village, earlier on Wednesday morning, and handed warrants to local farmers, who were attempting to install solar panels and a green house on their farm land.

Bsharat added that the warrant states that the farmers are not allowed to embark on such works, by orders of the concerned Israeli authorities.

The Al-Aghwar area is considered to be the largest Palestinian rural area that provides the West Bank population with much of its agricultural produce.

Recently, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, signalled his government’s plan to annex the Al-Aghwar area to Israel. Such a plan is in contravention to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions which state the West Bank is Palestinian territory, occupied by Israel in June, 1967.