On Friday, Illegal paramilitary Israeli colonizers assaulted a Palestinian man in the Al-Qusour area, northeast of Burqa town, west of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in the northern West Bank, said the colonizers infiltrated the area from the illegal Homesh colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands.

Daghlas added that the colonizers were riding motorcycles when they assaulted the Palestinian, Osama Naji Abu Leil, and also caused damage to his car.

Also Friday, Israeli soldiers injured many Palestinians during the weekly procession against the illegal colonies in Beita and Beit Dajan, near Nablus.

In related news, Israeli soldiers caused several Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation in Al-Jalama and Faqqu’a town, northeast of Jenin, after the army invaded the two communities and conducted searches, leading to protests.