Three nonviolent activists, including a French journalist and a member of the Israeli Knesset, were injured, Thursday evening, in an attack by Israeli colonizers on a peaceful procession against the illegal annexation of Palestinian land marked as a UNESCO heritage site in the Al-Makhrour area in the city of Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Knesset Members Aida Touma and Ofer Cassif from the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality attended the procession along with activists from the coalition of institutions opposing the illegal Israeli occupation and colonization, and locals.

The participants peacefully marched from the “steadfastness tent” in the Al-Makhrour area, reaching the land of the Kisiya family, which was illegally occupied by fanatic Israeli colonizers three weeks ago.

|Israel Approves New Colony On Lands Marked As UNESCO World Heritage Site|

The colonizers attacked the march and unleashed their dogs at the nonviolent protesters, resulting in the injury of three activists, including a French journalist.

In a press conference held after the march, MK Cassif saluted the steadfastness of the Palestinian citizens on their land, emphasizing that the conflict is not between Jews and Palestinians, but between those who seek justice and those who seek evil and oppression.

Activist Jamil Qassas from the “Combatants for Peace” movement of both Israelis and Palestinians, said: “We are present inside the steadfastness tent, which was established by the Wall and Colonization Resistance Commission, for the 23rd consecutive day, to support the steadfastness of the locals against colonization, and we thank all the activists and supporters of the landowners’ steadfastness.”

It is worth mentioning that the paramilitary colonizers, protected by the Israeli soldiers, illegally occupied the land of citizen Ramzi Kisiya in the Al-Makhrour area west of Beit Jala on July 31st, and the owners were forced under threat of gunpoint to leave it despite having all the legal documents and deeds, proving ownership of the land.