On Friday, Illegal Israeli colonizers conducted many attacks targeting the Palestinians, including children, homes, shops, and cars in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the colonizers assaulted several Palestinian children, all below the age of ten, while playing near their homes in the al-Ja’bari neighborhood in the Old City.

The colonizers also conducted a provocative march near the Kiryat Arba illegal colony in the center of Hebron city after the Israeli soldiers closed many Palestinian roads, including the Hebron-Jerusalem Road and Beit Ummar.

The army allowed the colonizers to march while chanting racist slogans, calling for expelling the Palestinians from their homes.

In Tulkarem, in the northern West Bank, the colonizers fired many live rounds at Palestinian farmers in Shoufa village, east of the city.

The colonizers came from the illegal Avnei Hefetz colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands in Shoufa, Kafr al-Lubbad, and al-Hafassi.

The colonizers also attacked many Palestinian homes and buildings and burnt many trees near the main entrance of Burqa village, northwest of Nablus, in the northern West Bank.

In Huwwara town, south of Nablus, the colonizers invaded the town’s center and attacked many Palestinians and their cars.

The colonizers carried Israeli flags and chanted racist slogans and called for expelling the Palestinians from their homes and lands.

Video By Palestine TV

The colonizers also invaded several shops in the town and destroyed their properties after attacking the Palestinians and forcing them out.

Video By Palestine TV

In related news, the Israeli army issued an order to illegally confiscate a seven-story building owned by Shadi Amir, on the main street of Huwwara town, to use it for “military purposes.”

Photo By Palestine TV

The soldiers also assaulted many Palestinians in the town and maced a young man with pepper spray for raising the Palestinian flag.

Furthermore, the Israeli army placed concrete blocks at the entrance of Beita town, south of Nablus.