Israeli forces abducted eleven Palestinian citizens, including two women, on Sunday, in the Jenin, Qalqilia, and Nablus governorates, in the northern and northwestern parts of the occupied West Bank.

Occupation forces abducted three Palestinian young men in the town of Arraba, southwest of Jenin in the northern occupied West Bank.

According to Montaser Samour, the director of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), Israeli soldiers abducted Mahmoud Nayef Mahmoud Al-Arada, Hamza Farouk Jamil Abu Obeid, and Munther Issa Aref Aridi, after storming and ransacking their homes.

Meanwhile, occupation forces invaded the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilia, deployed infantry units in several neighborhoods, and abducted five citizens, including a woman.

Media sources said Israeli soldiers abducted the woman, Ansar Radwan, who is the wife of a “wanted” man, in an attempt to coerce him to surrender to the army.

Sources added that occupation forces abducted the citizens, Wadih Fuad Shabita, Ahmad Mahmoud Shabita, Nimer Hussein, and Jawad Hosni Hussein, after breaking into and searching their homes.

Furthermore, Israeli soldiers abducted three citizens, including a woman in the northern West Bank city of Nablus, at dawn Sunday.

Media sources said that occupation forces stormed several homes in the city and abducted the woman, Abeer Baara, Bilal Al-Bashtawi, and Izzat Al-Tamam.

Sources added that the army invaded the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, accompanied by a military bulldozer, sparking protests from local Palestinians; no injuries were reported.

The Arab 48 website reported that armed resistance fighters from the Balata Battalion, affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades, confronted the invading soldiers, at dawn Sunday.


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