The Israeli authorities, on Wednesday, delivered new demolition orders against Palestinian-owned homes in Jerusalem and Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Information Center reported.

Local sources said that a crew from the Israeli municipality, accompanied by police forces, stormed al-Sall’ah neighborhood in Jabal al-Mokabber village, in southern Jerusalem, and handed Nihad Shiqirat a demolition notice against his house, after the petition he filed against the order was rejected.

Meanwhile, Israeli authorities in Ni’lin town, west of Ramallah, handed Palestinian civilians demolition orders against homes and stop-work notices against agricultural lands.

Local sources said that citizens were notified of the occupation state’s intent to demolish four Palestinian-owned homes and ordered others to stop reclaiming agricultural land in the town.

At the same time, Israeli bulldozers razed a large tract of land in the city of Dura, southwest of Hebron, according to local sources.

Coordinator for the Anti-Wall and Settlement Committee, Rateb al-Jabour told Palestinian WAFA News Agency that Israeli forces escorted bulldozers to land owned by the Ghannam and Odeh families, and proceeded to level it.

The razed land is situated next to the illegal Israeli settlement of Negohot, which was built on expropriated Palestinian land.

Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, confirms that all Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are illegal.

Video: WAFA/ Dura, south of Hebron