Israeli forces shot, on Saturday, two Palestinian young men with live rounds, and abducted one in the Qalqilia governorate, in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

Media sources said that on Saturday evening, occupation forces shot two young men with live rounds while they were in the vicinity of the Apartheid and Annexation wall in the northern part of the city.

Sources added that the soldiers shot one young man in the hand with live ammunition while another man was shot in the leg with live bullet fragments; they were transported to the Darwish Nazzal Governmental Hospital in stable condition.

Southeast of the city, the army invaded the village of Azzun Atma, southeast the city, and erected a flying military roadblock at its entrance while stopping citizens’ vehicles and inspecting their ID cards.

Meanwhile, east of Qalqilia, Israeli forces stormed the village of Baqa al-Hatab, on Saturday morning, and abducted the young man, Nidal Abdul Aziz Abdul Ghani, after breaking into and searching his home.

In related news, occupation forces suppressed the weekly peaceful anti-settlement march held every Friday in the village of Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia city.

Media sources said that on Friday afternoon, occupation soldiers opened fire with tear gas and concussion grenades at the non-violent demonstrators; no injuries were reported.