Israeli military reportedly abducted, on Tuesday, two Palestinian young men from the northern occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society in the city, Ibrahim Alnemr, confirmed earlier today, that Israeli troops placed a mobile roadblock at the entrance of the city of Qalqilia, near Tulkarem and intercepted passersby including locals and vehicles.

Alnemr added that Israeli soldiers inspected the IDs of both Mohammad Eqtaish, 25 and Fahd Yehya, 20, before abducting them, taking them to the Z’tara permanent military checkpoint, south of Nablus city.

He added that they are both from the Tulkarem city in northern West Bank.

Israeli military abductions of Palestinian residents, across the West Bank, go unabated, especially over the past several weeks.

Presently, Israel imprisons around 5,000 Palestinians, including juveniles under the age of 18, women and those with chronic diseases.

Since having occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, back in 1967, Israel military authorities have embarked on widespread arrest campaigns against Palestinians, within what is believed to be Israel’s continued crackdown on Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Palestinian prisoners’ profile has remained one of the most contentious issues of negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, since the two parties have signed a declaration of principles, known as the Oslo Accords of 1993.