An unknown perpetrator shot and injured an illegal Israeli colonizer, on Monday, near the “Ateret” colony, north of Ramallah in the central West Bank.

On Monday morning, a female Israeli colonizer was shot and injured near the illegal “Ateret” colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands, north of Ramallah.

Media sources said that an unknown assailant opened fire on two settler vehicles, moderately injuring a female settler, and then fled the scene.

Occupation forces erected a military roadblock near the “Halamish” settlement, northwest of Ramallah, and another at the entrance to ‘Atara village, north of the city.

Soldiers also closed the iron gate on the main Ramallah-Nablus road near the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp north of the city.

According to the Israeli Yedioth Ahronot website, reported that the woman’s husband, a reservist soldier, fired back at the shooter, noting that the assailant fled in the direction of Birzeit town, north of the city.

It added that the female settler was shot in the shoulder and was transported to a Jerusalem hospital.

Earlier Monday, it was reported that a group of Israeli colonists hurled rocks and opened fire at Palestinian vehicles, in the town of Rawabi, north of Ramallah, causing damage to some of them.