Israeli media reports said on Thursday that around 20 Israeli settlers, who represent an extremist Jewish organization, called Hilltop Youth, reportedly escaped from quarantine, in the Jordan Valley, near the Dead Sea, and attacked several local Palestinians.

Israel Today Arabic online paper, reported that the 20 settlers, who are Coronavirus patients, were able to flee the quarantine and carry out an assault on Palestinian residents in the area, injuring one.

According to the paper, the incident took place at 11 PM on Tuesday, as some Palestinians were quarrelling with two Israeli settlers. Some time later, around twenty other illegal settlers came from a nearby quarantine center and engaged in the clash with Palestinians.

A young female Palestinian was wounded after being beaten by the illegal colonists, and was subsequently transferred to an Israeli hospital for treatment, the source added.

The source also noted that the same settlers also attacked Palestinians with stones and tear gas canisters and set fire to two Palestinian-owned vehicles, parked nearby.

The Hilltop Youth organization has recently been reported to have attacked Palestinian-populated areas, near the Dead Sea, mainly the fertile Palestinian agriculture region of Alghour.

Concurrently, Israeli officials, including Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have signalled intentions to annex the Alghour area to Israel, in violation of international law and United Nations’ resolutions, pertaining to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.