The latest in a string of attacks by illegal Israeli settlers, against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, on Wednesday overnight, Israeli settlers vandalized at least eight Palestinian vehicles in Yasuf village, located east of Salfit city, central occupied West Bank.

Local sources told WAFA, that a group of Israeli settlers managed to sneak into the village late at night and puncture the tires of eight vehicles, as well as covering the vehicles with racist, anti-Palestinian graffiti.

Some of the graffiti read “Kill Arabs”, “War Against Arabs in Judea and Samaria” and “Price Tag” in Hebrew.

The name “Judea and Samaria” is the Israeli nationalist name given to the occupied West Bank, in an attempt to reinforce its claims to the territory, to give those claims a veneer of historical and religious legitimacy.

Also, on Thursday, illegal Israeli settlers uprooted hundreds of olive trees belonging to Palestinians south of Bethlehem.