On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted at least eight Palestinians after storming their homes and violently searching them in Al-Biereh, Qalqilia, Nablus, Hebron, and Jerusalem.

In Al-Biereh city, in the central West Bank governorate of Ramallah and Al-Biereh, the soldiers abducted Jihad Ahmad Ad-Damsi, 23, after storming his home and violently searching it.

The soldiers also invaded several neighborhoods in Beit Rima town, northwest of Ramallah, and withdrew later.

In Azzoun town, east of Qalqilia in the northwestern part of the West Bank, stormed and ransacked homes, and abducted two young men, Rashid and Tamer Radwan, in their twenties.

The soldiers also installed a roadblock at the western entrance of Azzoun, on the Ezbet At-Tabib Road, and obstructed traffic before stopping and searching dozens of cars and interrogating many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In Nablus, in the northern West Bank, many military vehicles invaded the Northern Mountain area and Aseera Street, and deployed sharpshooters, in addition to invading the Al-Ein refugee camp and the Rojeeb Street to the east.

During the invasion, the soldiers abducted Abdul-Rahman Araishi after storming and ransacking his home on Rojeeb Street.

The soldiers also invaded Beit Furik town, east of the city, stormed and ransacked homes, and abducted a former political prisoner, Ayman Aref Al-Haj Mohammad.

In addition, the soldiers abducted Anas Nasser Odah, from Deir Al-Hatab town, east of the city, after stopping him at the Awarta military roadblock, south of Nablus.

In Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, the soldiers invaded Surif town, northwest of the city, searched several homes, and abducted Luay Mohammed Ghneimat.

The soldiers also invaded Tarqoumia town, west of Hebron, the Wad ash-Shajna area to the south, and several neighborhoods in the southern areas of Hebron city, and fired many live rounds, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

In the occupied capital, Jerusalem, the soldiers invaded the Shu’fat refugee camp, north of the city, and abducted a young man, Sa’id Anani, after storming his home and violently searching it.

On Wednesday evening, the soldiers shot three Palestinians, including a child, in the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.

In related news, a Palestinian young man died, on Wednesday evening, as a result of wounds he sustained six days ago in the Balata refugee camp.

According to medical sources, the young man, Jamal Ahmad Abdul Rahman Saudi, 21, from the Balata camp, succumbed to wounds he sustained from an Israeli drone strike on August 15, 2024.