On Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted sixteen Palestinians, including two young women, in Al-Aqsa Mosque, in the occupied capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank. The army also abducted seven Palestinians in Qalandia refugee camp, and Ar-Ram town.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center In Silwan (Silwanic) said the soldiers abducted two young Palestinian men, Fares Abu Ghannam from the Bab Al-Asbat area, and Husam Eyad Al-Abbassi from inside the holy site.

Silwanic added that the soldiers attacked many worshippers before taking the two abductees to a nearby police station.

Siraj Abu Arafa, a lawyer with Silwanic, said the soldiers abducted at least sixteen Palestinians, including two young women, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Thursday.

In related news, the soldiers abducted a Palestinian child, Abdul-Rahman Abu Ghannam, after storming his home in the At-Tour town, in Jerusalem.

In addition, the soldiers abducted six Palestinians from the Qalandia refugee camp, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, and one Palestinian in the Ar-Ram town, north of the city.

They have been identified as Ahmad Mteir, Wael Mteir, Raed Robin Zayed, Omar Zayed, Ahmad Samer Alqam and Mohammad Tayeh Al-Kasba, all from Qalandia and were abducted near Betunia, in addition to Hamza Rateb Sar’awi, who was kidnapped by undercover Israeli soldiers in his shop in the Ar-Ram town.

Also, the army invaded many villages and towns, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin and surrounding towns, before storming and ransacking dozens of homes, causing damage.

Among the invaded towns, are Arraba, Zababda, Ya’bad, Jaba’ and Sanour, while the army also instated dozens of roadblocks across the Jenin governorate.

In Hebron, in the occupied West Bank’s southern part, the soldiers invaded several neighborhoods, stormed and ransacked many homes and buildings, causing damage.

On Thursday dawn and morning hours, Israeli soldiers invaded and ransacked dozens of homes across the occupied West Bank, and abducted at least 40 Palestinians, including siblings, in addition to fathers and sons.

Also at dawn, Israeli soldiers assassinated As’ad Essam Al-Qoneiri, 28, a Palestinian in Ya’bad town, south of Jenin in the occupied West Bank’s northern part, bringing the number of slain Palestinians since October 7, 2023, to 459, including many children.